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2018's Advanced Student Leaders

A group of secondary school student leaders arrived from across the country (including Auckland, Kapiti, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Wellington and Marlborough) to attend our Advanced Leaders Course this year.

As always the future talent of our country is in safe hands with young people like these around. They were insightful, have strong morals, and a genuine willingness to do good for their communities and New Zealand.

During the course students were exposed to leadership within business, charity and military contexts. A highlight was a focus group project they conducted for the Royal New Zealand Returned & Services Association, where they generated ideas about engaging a younger demographic, and presented their ideas to the RNZRSA Chief Executive, Jack Steer.

The students all had multiple opportunities to lead the team in challenging scenarios throughout the course, and learned to use an effective planning and decision making tool. A visit to Trentham Military camp also proved rewarding with a night in barracks making for some fun. Each student also developed a project to implement back at school or in their home town.

One of our students, Madi, from Hawkes Bay put together a video from the trip..

We look forward to follow the progress of these future leaders, and to meeting next years students.

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